Family Dental Care - The Benefits Of Teaching Good Oral Health Habits Early

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When a child learns good dental care habits at a young age, the child tends to maintain those habits into adulthood. Therefore, teaching your child proper oral health habits now can mean a lifetime of healthy teeth.

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How is Family Dental Care - The Benefits Of Teaching Good Oral Health Habits Early

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Infants and Children

At birth, a child's first set of teeth are usually still under the gums, but they are almost completely formed. These baby teeth are important, because when they emerge, they allow your baby to chew food, to smile, and to speak properly at an early age. These first teeth are also important because they maintain space for the eventual permanent teeth.

Here are some suggests for taking care for your baby's first teeth.

Start by using a wet wash cloth to rub the baby's teeth gently each day. As more teeth come in and grow larger, you can graduate to a soft child's toothbrush. Do not use toothpaste with children under age two. Instead, use warm water and brush gently. Smile, be gentle, and use your imagination to make the experience a positive one. It's never too early to establish good oral health habits. The primary reason for tooth decay in young children is allowing a child to go to sleep with a bottle. This leaves liquid on the teeth after the child goes to sleep, which causes cavities. Give older children low-sugar snacks. Avoid sticky candy. As your children grow, teach them how to brush their teeth properly and take them to the dentists regularly.


Healthy teeth and gums go a long way in helping teens with their self-esteem during their important formative years. Teaching teens to be responsible and take proper care of their teeth will help them have good breath, a pleasant smile, and fewer cavities.

Here are some steps you can take to help your teenager.

Be sure your teenager is brushing his or her teeth at least twice a day with a multi-purpose toothpaste (with fluoride, plaque fighter, and whitener). Teach them the importance of flossing their teeth at least once a day. While regular dental floss is usually best, there are a variety of inexpensive floss picks on the market today. The advantage of floss picks is that teens can floss using one hand, while still talking on the phone or typing on the computer. Teach your teen that smoking can stain their teen and cause bad breath. Of course, cancer is the big concern for smokers. However, teens are usually not mature enough to consider long-term consequences, so focusing on how smoking detracts from their personal appearance and their appeal to the opposite sex will typically be a better deterrent. If your teen plays contact sports, have him or her wear the right headgear for protection. Take your teen to the dentist for regular exams and cleanings. If your child seems sensitive to cleanings, purchase a toothpaste that includes sensitivity protection. You want your young person's experience at the dentist to be as positive as possible.

Proper dental care is a family affair. You can help give your children a healthy smile throughout their lifetime by teaching them good dental care habits at an early age and by encouraging them to maintain good dental care habits as they grow and mature.

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